Squadron Aircraft: Summary Information


Listed below is the information available for this aircraft which served in 550 Squadron.

Aircraft Details: The column headers should be fairly self-explanatory. The final column (Web links) contains, where given, links to other items on this web-site or indeed to external sources where further information or photographs, etc can be found.

Associated Aircrew: This is the list of servicemen known to have flown on this aircraft at some time or other, it is not a particular crew (that can be found on other lists available on the site such as the crew shown on a specific operation, etc).

Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.

In compiling these lists particular thanks are due, as listed below, to sites without which it would have been next to impossible to put the information together. Many thanks to the providers of these pages whose work is gratefully acknowledged.

URI Description Other Information
https://www.lancasterbombers.net/form-78-aircraft-movement-cards/ Lancaster movement cards.
The site which can be searched for specific aircraft numbers or ranges of numbers.
An examples of use includes:
Movement cards in the range NG392-NG503 ("flick" through the pages to the service number you seek).

Abbreviations used on movement cards.
http://www.lancaster-archive.com/ For anyone wishing to locate further Lancaster histories, or to trace Lancaster losses for a raid. Website produced by Lancaster and Manchester Bomber Historian who can be reached on email at: Larry Wright
http://www.lostbombers.co.uk/ In the cases of bombers that Failed to Return (FTR) this site has been invaluable. The web-site, however, appears to have gone offline at some point in time (unclear when).

Aircraft Details

Aircraft Details Associated Aircrew
Id Service Number Name No. of Ops BQ-Code Other Information Web Links Name
B EE139 The Phantom of the Ruhr 121 (61) BQ-B Ton-up Lanc (one of three in 550 Sqdn).
100 Sqdn AR-A, HW-R, 550 Sqdn BQ-B, 1656 HCU.
Survived the war. Scrapped 19 February 1946.

From 2007 to 2012 "The Phantom" flew again - the BBMF Lancaster PA474 flew wearing the call-codes BQ-B and HW-R in honour of both 550 and 100 Squadrons.







F/L J Cassidy
F/L V B Ansell
P/O V J Bouchard
F/O S P George
P/O N D Holdsworth
F/O J C Hutcheson
P/O C G H Kenyon
W/O D H Knight
Sgt J H Knox
P/O R J Moran
F/O P C Sharp
W/O H C White
F/Sgt A H Jefferies
P/O E C W Bull
F/Sgt W R J Maroney
F/O G P Fauman
F/O K Bowen-Bravery
P/O G E Thomas
F/Sgt J P Fyffe
W/O P E E F Keeley
Sgt R R Thompson
Sgt R Blackburn
Sgt L G Thompson
P/O R Hopman
F/L R P Stone
F/O R Sloggett
F/O D Gear
F/O S Squires
F/O J H Marston
F/O L O Browning
Sgt H Simpson
F/Sgt D S Jeffrey
Sgt S A Keirle
Sgt J W Whitley
P/O T M J Shervington
Sgt A Small
W/O J R Mawhinney
Sgt K R Ansell
Sgt E R Hall
Sgt A C Griffiths
Sgt R G Dennett
W/O W H S Ansell
F/Sgt G W Battersby
F/O C R Cameron
F/O I H R Hood
Sgt A Anderson
Sgt E W Parker
Sgt O Tabuteau
Sgt S Gartland
Sgt G E White
Sgt R F Ferry
F/Sgt E W Holliday
Sgt D E Norgrove
Sgt L G B Wartnaby
F/Sgt F Wright
Sgt W J Killick
F/Sgt A E Stebner
F/O M S Merevitz
Sgt P E Cooksey
Sgt J A Ringrow
Sgt W A Drake
Sgt R Binney
Sgt E J Baker
Sgt C A Rann
Sgt J J M Calvin
F/Sgt R E Sloan
Sgt H Mimmack
Sgt V Kirby
Sgt C S Venables
Sgt J A C Steer
Sgt W Johnston
W/O H Granger
F/Sgt J N Ellis
F/Sgt G E Duncan
Sgt G K Logan
Sgt L M Collicutt
F/O F E Bond
Sgt D C Mortimer
F/O H A Leight
Sgt B Roome-Smith
F/Sgt R C Bowling
Sgt H F Sullivan
Sgt J H Udink
F/O L W Hussey
Sgt E Elliot
F/O M A de Gast
F/O H S W Watson
Sgt A G Sale
F/Sgt R L Holmgren
Sgt S Wright
Sgt D F Smith
F/Sgt J K Francis
W/O W Y Smith
Sgt E C Hodgson
Sgt A F Tosh
F/O J J W Dawson
Sgt E W C Edmunds
F/Sgt F W Willmer
F/Sgt K P Brady
Sgt J M Palmer
Sgt J Earnshaw
F/Sgt W H Harkness
F/O H G Manley
Sgt D R Hughes
F/O R G George
F/Sgt R Hill
F/O G T Brown
Sgt G B Ward
P/O J K McDonald
F/O L N B Cann
Sgt C Shaw
Sgt R V Fisher
Sgt N I E Ostrom
F/Sgt J Lyons
F/O H Yates
Sgt J L R Remilard
Sgt G L Grant
Sgt E J Brennan
Sgt F E Dawson
F/Sgt D C Barton
Sgt R C G Ashby
F/O W H Twitchell
F/Sgt A H Ingram
Sgt S Sulley
Sgt S G Reeve
Sgt K Coleman
P/O W P F Daniels
Sgt J G Woodhall
Sgt R G Roberts
Sgt R Wright
F/Sgt F R Easton
Sgt A E Baker
Sgt W F Baker
Sgt G P Sythes
Sgt T D Rodgers
Sgt L Trudgian
F/Sgt H A Elderfield
P/O GJ Horsfall
Sgt S J H Adams
Sgt D D G Pryce
F/Sgt W E Megaw
F/O C Garner
Sgt F D Mason
Sgt H W Jamieson
Sgt M H A Campbell
S/L W F Caldow

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The details were last updated: 25 July 2024

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